Goals And Objectives

“ HSAI Goals And Objectives ”


The Home Science Education in India started during early 1940s with goals set to wipeout mass illiteracy among women and teach them to take care of their family's health and nutrition, clothing construction and raise their families in a meaningful manner. The home science Education in India is some what synonymous with the history and growth of the Home Science Association of India itself.



The aims of the Association shall be :

(i) To promote the welfare of the family through sound home-making education.

(ii) To raise the standards of the profession of Home Science.

The basic aims shall be implemented by :

(i) Encouraging the establishment of Home making education in Schools, Training Colleges, Universities and Out of School programmes.

(ii) Making available reports, pamphlets and other publication related to Home Science.

(iii) Encouraging and aiding research and investigation in the various fields of Home Science such as : Housing, Home Management, Child Development, Family Relationships, Textiles and Clothing, Handicrafts and Foods and Nutrition.

(iv) Standardize and co-ordinating the courses in different institutions.